Nudism or Naturism

Nude means having no clothing or covering;i.e. undressed and uncovered or not wearing any clothes. Nudity is the state of being nude. Partial nudity refers to a part of the

FKK und Nudismus

Viele meinen zwischen Naturisten (FKKlern) und Nudisten gibt es keine Unterschiede. Doch dem ist nicht so. Der Unterschied zu FKKlern besteht darin, dass Nudisten nicht über einen Verband organisiert sind.

Barely Seen?

We have heard of Bob's adventures driving naked and marvelled at his stamina aswell as his exploits, but I have to wonder what other untold adventures are waiting to be

Why Be Nude?

In the July 2016 AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) Bulletin, there is an article about what people enjoy most about nude recreation. Briefly, the author states that almost every

New Report
