My naked adventures – Free hiking/bushwalking/skinny dipping in Australia

April 10, 2013 in Uncategorized

Hi, I'm an avid outdoor person & try to get nude in the great outdoors every chance I get, in fact since August 2012 almost every work day when it's been hot enough down here in Australia I have been going on on a 2.5km return hike hike up the river on work lunch hour… I drive about 10mins to the base of the nearby Blue Mountains & park my car then run through the bush to a creek which takes me about 13mins to get there, then I have about a 10min skinny dip/sun bake on a rock & run back to my car then go back to work.. all squeezed into my lunch hour!

Here's a Youtube video of one of my runs through the bush:

As you can see from the video the track is quite rough with big logs to leap over & rocks to hop across… I have recently injured my knee while out running this track a couple of weeks ago so I can't do any lunchtime runs for a few weeks till I've healed the damage I've done ;(

The weather down under is starting to cool down anyway as we head into our Autumn season… however last year I had my final skinny dip of the season on the 27th of April & the water was still an acceptable temperature after going for a nude bush walk, here is my video from that walk:

I have found that in my area of Australia the "Nudey Season" starts around the beginning of Spring around the beginning of September & ends around the end of May, with our Winter starting at the beginning of June, some years I have managed a nude bush walk in the last week of May & even tried a skinny dip…. BRRRRR, too cold!

Back in November 2011 I went on a nude bush walk into a quite remote area of the Blue Mountains, it entailed a fair amount of climbing down some very steep cliffs to get to the creek below, I then spent several hours exploring the valley & sun baking/skinny dipping, it was very relaxing…. walking back up the cliffs was quite an effort & took me over an hour to crawl back up the cliff's, whereas going down the cliffs only took about 20mins…

I was asked recently by a non nudey bushwalking blogger to write an article about free hiking, it generated a modicum of interest, both in the non nudist & Nudist/Naturist world, here's my article:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures & hopefully I've inspired people to get out there & try some nude outdoor activities 🙂
