Richard Foley (richinud)

Respect and tolerance

Posted on March 26, 2013

Is it your partner you respect, or their clothes? Surely respect need
not be a fear-based emotion, true respect begins and ends with
character. Respecting a person’s rights to hold a view is not
synonymous with respecting their view. We can disagree in general and
specific terms on principles and implementation, but no-one can say
that any one of us is indefatigably correct in all cases, or that one
rule fits all, history indeed informs us reliably otherwise, no matter
what the (various – choose one) “good books” might say.

Certitude of predictable, action suitable to be applied in all cases
at all times, is food for recalcitrant gods whose very idea, being
anthropomorphic creations at best, can be seen as sufficient reason to
encourage free-thinking, freedom of inquiry and unrestricted
individual action, in and of self. We require the ability to break
free from authoritarian rule, in whatever form it may disguise itself.
It is not necessary for us to be controlled, for human potential to be
realised, what is necessary is that we all have the freedom to choose
what each of us do in any given situation, and that this freedom be
respected. Maybe you, or your partner, need to let go a little

Try a little respect instead…

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