Vittorio Volpi

Light sees me naked

December 24, 2023 in Environmental

Someone had a hand in synchronising the rising of the sun and my presence. Okham’s razor advises me to go no further in hypothesising presences and powers. But it is enough to have grasped the moment, stage of an unplanned path, and a step ahead of me. The light sees me naked, natural and real: what more do I want?

November Golden Light

November 23, 2023 in Environmental

Enveloped in a sphere of golden light, I feel it invade me, a vital light, a light for all creatures. With our thoughts, we would like to ascend to the heavens to give thanks for this wonder. This light makes us better, aware, attentive… perhaps even devout. Awareness is knowing that we share the same nature.

Golden poplar

November 13, 2023 in Environmental

If we like the colour gold, it may mean we recognize that light in us.
If we like blue, we may recognize the same sky.
If we like green, we may participate in the same nature as the meadow.
If we like the whole set of colours, we may share the same life and awareness of being alive in different forms.

Victoria creeper

November 7, 2023 in Environmental

At 7:30 a.m., the sun has just risen, its grazing light illuminating what lies before it. Nature is full of gratitude for this and the daily wind. We only appreciate it when we have time to go outside. However, a straight line reaches us too: my nakedness expresses my total gratitude as a son, stripped of all the calculations and thoughts the mind can make. It is a picture of a moment, but the ray reached the deep and illuminated what I could not see. And this glow will accompany me all day long…


Coming home from TNT (Thüringer Naturisten Tage)

August 15, 2023 in Environmental

I came yesterday from Thüringen after ten days running around woods, fields and waters. Coming home to Italy I had a stop on the Bernina Pass (Ladin CH). It was about 19:15 and the Sun was to set down. Just in time for a picture, I was longing for.

Storm damages

July 16, 2023 in Environmental

After the storm, nature looks like Venus emerging from the bath. The meadows smell dew at dawn, and the sun sends its first down rays on the earth. I am already awake and alive to the present, even today: what is more important, what is more valuable, where to look for something better than to rely on nature, where tragedies do not last forever, where everything is new again every day. I will be 70 years old in a few days, but I feel fresh, vital, clean, full of life force, and light every day. What more could one want?

Город Зеро, Gorod Zero

July 12, 2023 in Political

I want to point you to a Soviet film (1988 !!!: Город Зеро, Gorod Zero ), sometimes called Zero City or Zero Town, directed by Karen Šahnazarov) about an absurd affair; a businessman travels to a small town where the strangest things happen to him. One of them is to find a company director’s secretary sitting at a typewriter completely naked.

You can find it on YouTube


June 19, 2023 in Environmental

Yesterday was the annual party at the Bivacco Marino Bassi bivouac in the mountains of the Camonica Valley (N45°51’42.18 E10°17’54.11). You can get there in various ways, but always a two-and-a-half-hour walk. (The priest who was to celebrate mass arrived from the sky – by helicopter). There were about 200 people there. I go there every year. This year I took a photograph in front of the waterfall, just below where the hut is.


An old cherry tree

March 27, 2023 in Environmental

I heard the affectionate call of this old cherry tree. It tried hard to make itself beautiful, to tell me that it exists and now offers its beauty and, later, its fruits. Picking the fruit is not theft. Free, always free, everything free. It is a great gift that nature gives us because we, too, are life. We participate in the same life. Nature is made of life and for life.


March 12, 2023 in Environmental

This plum tree has not gone unnoticed: the glory of the flowers and the light is a spontaneous call, like breathing. I inhale the fragrant draughts in my lungs: I know it is good for me, I try to touch the white flowers, like something familiar:

“We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep” said once Shakespeare.

I say: we are made of flowers, of light and colour, everything beautiful that attracts us.
I raised my hands to touch those flowers and felt like an ancient worshipper admiring his god.



March 8, 2023 in Environmental

I am pleased to witness and share the blossoming of the almond tree in my garden.

Tangled in the Light

December 6, 2022 in Environmental

Tangled in the Light. Surprisingly “tangled” and “entanglement” look very close. Now I understand why this place attracted me: because I wanted to be there = to fill in there. Setting myself in my nakedness, poverty, and essentiality, without weapons because there is no fight with no one because I feel invulnerable.

Autumn light

November 23, 2022 in Environmental, Lifestyle

What to do if not letting this golden shower of autumn light on you, naked, as does the naked majesty of this poplar?

Autumn life & colours

October 19, 2022 in Environmental

An old friend

August 22, 2022 in Environmental, Lifestyle

Harvest time

July 3, 2022 in Environmental, Lifestyle

A mason’s level perfectly horizontal between me and the ripe wheat: in a few days, it will be reaped. The sun ripened it, just as it did us, day by day. I feel ‘live-in’ with the vines, the plant, the grass, the rocks and the sun that never stands still: everything is interpenetrating, consubstantial while remaining what it is. Reason does not know or understand: it is not a question of numbers or elegant formulas. There is something else…

Original Self

June 11, 2022 in Environmental, Philosophy

I was looking at this picture repeatedly and didn’t understand why or what it was about that attracted me. Indeed, the pappi whitening the leaves of the poplars and the grass of the meadow like a second snowfall is not a sight one sees every day. Perhaps it was the particular morning light that leaves no shadows. But this morning, walking past the bookshelf, the title of a book by Thomas Moore attracted me: Original self. Immediately I linked that title to the picture: that’s what I saw there: something of me that I had never seen before and that I suddenly recognised in toto. I recognised myself, as I unconsciously know myself to be. Instead of being critical of myself, I was happy with how I saw myself, and the nudity suggested that I didn’t need anything but that the trappings we are obliged to wear hide what we are from our eyes.


Una rosa sul mio percorso

May 19, 2022 in Environmental, Lifestyle

In un giorno qualsiasi, di un anno qualsiasi ho incontrato una rosa, sbocciata spontaneamente. Il colore è sorprendete in tutto quel verde, non puoi non notarla. Non è come noi che abbiamo uno scopo per tutto ciò che facciamo: lei sarebbe sbocciata comunque, non aspettava me in particolare: lei fa la sua vita. Sono i miei occhi che la vedono bella. Se anche noi siamo come le piante che ora trionfan di verde perché è la loro stagione, allora ogni tanto anche noi faremo sbocciare il nostro fiore lungo la nostra strada, qualcuno lo noterà, per qualcuno sarà bello, senza che ce ne fossimo accorti, senza che noi lo facessimo apposta. Com’è diversa una passeggiata in Torbiera rispetto agli orari scanditi dal lavoro e gli impegni che abbiam tutti i giorni…

When I was 16yo

May 9, 2022 in Lifestyle

A memory from when I was 16. I don’t know if it’s a poem; it’s one word after another (written in 2013).


I have time for others while I think about what to do for later.

What jumps out at me, I do, driven by a spring that throws me into the water.

I create, I go, I measure, I hammer, I carve, I glue, I nail, I paint…

I am a grasshopper, a bee that bursts from the flower of facts. Sated.


And then, this sun, this beautiful July heat, the walks, the sweat…

The bike rattles, but it goes – five kilometres for a dip in the Oglio.

The Grigna is no longer enough: It’s narrow, low, cold, for small children.

Something binds my throat: a curiosity; I swallow saliva. I’m restless.

Everything is new that happens to me, as an adult, as a free man, as what I am.

Voices, shouting, laughter, cackling, diving, joking, splashing…


The sun cooks our heads and makes us crazy. Someone undresses

and throws his trunks in the air: he’s naked underwater, and a current runs through his body.

Action is faster than thought: I go naked into the water to hide.

I’m all vibrating, goosebumps, laughing, acting crazy, jumping to be seen.

I have a thousand strengths, the eyes of all. I don’t care about anything. I’m happy.

I see that they hide my briefs, I like the joke, I feel freer,

I feel stranger, stronger than myself, and I laugh because I’m not ashamed anymore.





Un ricordo di quando avevo sedici anni. Non so se è una poesia, sono parole una dietro l’altra.




Ho tempo per gli altri mentre penso a cosa fare per dopo.

Quel che mi salta lo faccio, spinto da una molla che mi butta nell’acqua.

Creo, vado, misuro, martello, intaglio, incollo, inchiodo, pitturo…

Sono una cavalletta, un’ape che bottina dal fiore dei fatti. Sazia.


E poi, questo sole, questo bel caldo di luglio, le camminate, il sudore…

La bici sferraglia, ma va: cinque chilometri per un tuffo nell’Oglio.

Il Grigna non basta più: è stretto, basso, freddo, per bambini più piccoli.

Qualcosa mi lega la gola: una curiosità; inghiotto saliva, sono irrequieto.

È tutto nuovo quel che mi accade, da grande, da libero, da quel ch’io sono.

Voci, grida, risate, schiamazzi, tuffi, spanciate, scherzi, spruzzate…


Il sole ci cuoce la testa, ci fa ammattire, qualcuno si spoglia,

butta in aria gli slip: è nudo sott’acqua, una corrente ci passa nel corpo.

L’azione è più veloce del pensiero: entro nudo nell’acqua a nascondermi.

Son tutto un vibrare, la pelle d’oca, rido, fo il matto, e salti per farmi vedere.

Ho mille forze, gli sguardi di tutti, non m’importa di nulla, sono contento.

Vedo che mi nascondon gli slip, mi piace lo scherzo, mi sento più libero,

mi sento più strano, forte di me, e rido perché non ho più vergogna

Paesaggio bucolico

April 30, 2022 in Environmental, Lifestyle

Appena veduti i vignaioli, ero indeciso se scattarmi la foto. Poi ho sentito una pressione interiore che mi ha spinto a preparate macchina e cavalletto. Ero ancora in tempo a scattare semplicemente la foto al paesaggio. Ma di nuovo da sole le mani si sono mosse a togliermi giubbetto e pantaloni. E ho scattato: avevo 10 secondi. Non sentivo gli sguardi: come fosse una cosa normale per me e per loro. Ora so che è una cosa possibile… nessuno che t’insulta, che commenta, che ridacchia. Però un po’ i polsi mi tremavano!


Green pass

April 18, 2022 in Environmental

Tutta questa luce, tutto questo sereno, la limpidezza dell’aria fanno trionfare il verde delle querce e dei cipressi, di contro al terso azzurro del cielo. C’è un’evidenza immanente, una gloria (δόξα direbbero i testi delle liturgie pasquali), una forza invincibile e pacifica che governa tutto.

La luce accende il mondo

April 11, 2022 in Environmental

Il sole è appena sorto. C’è ancora un fresco venticello che accarezza le canne e i rami del pioppo. Le foglie sono dello stesso colore che avevano in autunno: qualcosa continua, si riprende un discorso interrotto. Contemplo la foto e la mente si riempie delle cose che vedo: non sono ancora pensieri, men che meno parole: sono cose vive che mi vedo dintorno. Devo anche far altro, ma una parte di me continua ad essere lì. E continuo a guardare, a meravigliare. È solo l’attimo di uno scatto, ma parrebbe per sempre.


Voglia di muoversi

April 3, 2022 in Environmental

Dopo le ultime piogge, una manna per la campagna, con la neve che di nuovo è caduta bassa (700m.) m’è ritornata la voglia di uscire di muovermi e vedermi e fissarmi nella natura. Ormai i primi pruni hanno perso i loro fiori bianchi e rosa, una festa per gli occhi, e anche i peschi stanno già mettendo le foglie. Ma ora trionfano i ciliegi. E i prati, i vigneti sono bianchi per migliaia di fiorellini bianchi (borsa del pastore). Questo è il mio canale MeTube: nulla di tecnologico, tutto ancora primitivo, tutto reale attimo per attimo. Ma arriva dove deve arrivare. C’è una brezza gelida che scende dai monti innevati, ma è pur bella sentirla sulla pelle, risveglia, rianima: È primavera!


First and last snow

February 15, 2022 in Environmental

Today February 15, is the patronal feast day of Brescia. Faustino and Giovita, warrior saints from the second century AD, are celebrated. During the siege of the Lombards in Brescia (VII century), they appeared on the city’s walls and defended it. A proverb says that San Faustino is the last merchant of snow. And just this morning, getting up at 5 am, I found the very welcome surprise of seeing snow. A sight that does not leave one indifferent. All white, all calm: all that remains is to be enchanted to watch. Today also comes into force the mandatory vaccination for the over-50s. Who is more hostile towards people (elderly, children, workers): the snow or the elite of the universal masters?


Hazelnut catkins

February 1, 2022 in Environmental

It’s the 1st of February, and spring is suddenly here. The sun is warm, the air is fresh, and a gentle breeze. Everything is clear. The snow on the peaks is receding. I feel as if I am being reborn. And what wonder was seeing the first hazelnut catkins this morning, wandering around the Reserve! In other years, I used to see the buds of the willows (but towards the middle of the month). The calycanthus trees were already in flower before Christmas. Here at home, more than five million people will not be able to go to the post office (that’s where they get their pensions), to the bank, to all shops (except the grocery shops). Life is difficult for the unvaccinated. But as long as you resist, it means that you are stronger than those who force you.


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