
The verification system is simply a means to be reasonably certain site users are interacting with a real person, someone who resembles their profile.

  • The verification process is entirely voluntary.
    • No-one has to be verified, it’s a free personal choice.
  • This is no guarantee of user-to-profile and profile-to-user accuracy.
    • We are not the FBI, we are not the local police force, we do NOT do in-depth checking of user profiles.
    • We have no way to check whether the user is good, whether they are safe or moral, or not.
  • This is simply a rough appraisal as to whom the user purports to be.
    • The user submits several photos of themself.
    • A moderator checks the correlation between the photos and the profile
    • If they match, the user account is marked as verified, that’s it.
  • Volatile, for obvious reasons.
    • If the user changes their profile photo or the contents of their verification gallery, the verification will be removed.
    • A user may request re-verification at any time.

To continue follow the instructions HERE, but before you actually do so please note a few things to avoid:

  • Do NOT use photoshop or equivalent!
  • Do NOT post your verification photos in a public photo album!
  • Do NOT post your verification photos on the main feed!
  • Do NOT expect your verification process to be influenced by any donations – the processes are unrelated.
  • Do NOT get upset when your verification is rescinded after you change your profile information!
  • Do NOT get upset when your verification is rejected because you have not followed these instructions.

Thank you for your understanding.

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