November Golden Light

Enveloped in a sphere of golden light, I feel it invade me, a vital light, a light for all creatures. With our thoughts, we would like to ascend to the heavens to give thanks for this wonder. This light makes us better, aware, attentive… perhaps even devout. Awareness is knowing that we share the same … Read more

Golden poplar

If we like the colour gold, it may mean we recognize that light in us. If we like blue, we may recognize the same sky. If we like green, we may participate in the same nature as the meadow. If we like the whole set of colours, we may share the same life and awareness … Read more

Victoria creeper

At 7:30 a.m., the sun has just risen, its grazing light illuminating what lies before it. Nature is full of gratitude for this and the daily wind. We only appreciate it when we have time to go outside. However, a straight line reaches us too: my nakedness expresses my total gratitude as a son, stripped … Read more

New Report
