Our next monthly meetup will be at the Memorial Hall in Cherry Gardens.
Please bring a meal and something to share with others, if you can. Bring your own drinks. There is a full kitchen available, if needed.
There will be board games for us to play. Or, if you have any, bring along your favourite game to play with others. I have a few, such as Scrabble, Pictionary, Trivial Pursuits, Connect Four, etc., that we can play for some ‘friendly’ competition. There will be a ping pong table set up for us to use. Bring your own paddle or use one that I will bring along.
Or perhaps we can talk about….
Visit our web page for details and to RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/Adelaide-Naturism-Meetup/events/268475089/
Hope to see you there. Cheers,