The nudist activists who were part of a legitimate and newsworthy
political demonstration on the first day the San Francisco nudity ban
took effect are fighting the citations issued by the SFPD.
On Friday, February 1, 2013, four activists outside of San Francisco
City Hall, (three nude, one wearing sheer underpants), were
handcuffed, thrown in the back of a police van and taken to a nearby
police substation and unlawfully detained.
The activists were told they were under arrest. The nudity ban is a
police code violation that is written to result in a citation, however
provides no provision for arresting or otherwise detaining people,
(until possibly after the third offense). Ultimately the group of four
were issued citations and released.
Attorney Christina DiEdoardo, who represents some of the nudist
activists, said the false arrests amount to “kidnapping”.
Come show your support for the nudist activists at the first hearing
regarding the citations on Friday, March 1 at 1:30pm, at the Hall of
Justice on Bryant Street, (courtroom number to be announced).
Following the hearing, there will be a news conference and
demonstration outside of the Hall of Justice.
NB. the photo shows Gilles being arrested in Paris during a WNBR
event. Different people/place, same prejudices/result.