Naturist London Sunday swims

Naturist London Sunday swims


11:00 am - 1:00 pm


ULU Energybase swimming pool
Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY

No swim sessions on 27 March 2016 (Easter Sunday)

Every Sunday (with a few holiday exceptions) Naturist London hosts a two-hour swimming period (12:00-14:00) at the ULU pool, which is the largest in central London, measuring 33.3m × 11.5m with a maximum depth of 3.4m. The pool is always divided into lanes set for different speeds. With two qualified lifeguards in attendance, we are allowed 60 people in the water, and so sometimes there may be a wait to enter the water. To avoid any wait, you may prefer to arrive either early or after the busy first hour.

The sessions are open to all. Up to date details are <a href="">here</a>. Check there for any exceptions such as at Easter, Christmas and New Year.

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