

  • Profile picture of Natfree
    Active Active 5 days, 10 hours ago and has 895 friends
  • Profile picture of Niko L.
    Niko L. - "Hi dear community, it’s very quiet here in the past days. It might be related to the bad weather we have here in Northern Europe at the time 🙂 Hopefully it get’s better soon again so I can restart hiking, biking […]"
    Active Active 2 weeks, 4 days ago and has 214 friends
  • Profile picture of Woodie Smith
    Woodie Smith - "@anitata Wonderful inspirations of nature!"
    Active Active 1 month, 4 weeks ago and has 30 friends
  • Profile picture of Augustus John
    Augustus John - "We are but few in number."
    Active Active 4 months, 2 weeks ago and has 85 friends
  • Profile picture of Chris Hall
    Chris Hall - "Great photo"
    Active Active 1 year ago and has 311 friends
  • Profile picture of dev
    dev - "@profile-754 thanx for accepting me as friend."
    Active Active 1 year, 4 months ago and has 28 friends
  • Profile picture of Robert Emmet
    Robert Emmet - "@frutteriasocialgmail-com Thanks for the friend-request, Vittorio! I’m happy to be friends with you here!"
    Active Active 2 years ago and has 147 friends
  • Profile picture of Patrick Thompson
    Patrick Thompson - "Montana Sunshine… Add something to your profile please, then you can get friendship requests accepted ?"
    Active Active 4 years, 6 months ago and has 318 friends

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