Coming home from TNT (Thüringer Naturisten Tage)

I came yesterday from Thüringen after ten days running around woods, fields and waters. Coming home to Italy I had a stop on the Bernina Pass (Ladin CH). It was about 19:15 and the Sun was to set down. Just in time for a picture, I was longing for.

2 thoughts on “Coming home from TNT (Thüringer Naturisten Tage)”

    • Thank you, Luis and Natfree. I, too, was surprised when I saw the photo on the monitor. I had not thought beforehand about the pose to adopt. At that moment, my arms opened themselves. Not to embrace, not to take possession, but to point, to draw attention to what attracted me: the mountains, the sky, the clouds, the light at sunset, the clarity of the air. Being naked was the most natural thing, as naked as nature was naked: there was no point in wondering if the peaks were beautiful: something went beyond. And I was there just like the grass, rocks, and everything else in the picture.

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