International naturist meeting
Naturist hike in Austria in summer 2021 from Saturday, July 17, 2021 from 4 p.m. to Saturday, July 24, 2021 at 10 a.m., thanks to the initiative of Richard Foley, who started this meeting more than 10 years ago. The accommodation is located in a mountain hut. This Hut offers rooms for 2 to 4 people.
The principle of the group is a multinational composition (eleven different countries in 2020). The group consists of men, women, couples and sometimes families with children). The hikes are based on the level of the participants. These are mountain hikes with gradients of about 500 to 1000 meters high. Everyone participates in the life of the group (communal kitchen etc.)
The price of 300 euros per person per week covers the rental of the hut and the purchase of groceries, tourist tax, etc.
Information and requests to participate: Contact (in French, German or English):
P. S. Places are limited depending on the accommodation capacity.
Bookings are closed for this event.
Due to the evolution of the covid19 pandemic, some countries have put in place restrictions that prevent some participants to the newt 2021 on July 17-24 from attending.
At this time there are still a few places available.
If anyone is interested in joining the event, please contact me quickly.
New Covid travel info from Austrian government today. There is a list of countries from which tourist travel into Austria is permitted. At present, this list does not include the United Kingdom. We are only permitted to travel to Austria for business purposes. Hopefully this will change in time for NEWT, otherwise we will not be able to participate legally.
(Andrew and Sue)
That will be very unfortunate as my only foreign speaking language is English… 🙁 … and I will miss seeing some wonderful souls.
I read the posting saying the group is complete for 2021. Is there any chance this would improve in the meantime i.e. is there a waiting list we (two from Marseille, France) could enroll on?
Also,, as you mention, “join Roland, the tent group leader” -> How should I get in touch with Roland?
Thanks in advance,
https://www.naktiv.net/members/nakedrolie/ <- Roland tent group leader
Hi Marseil,
I have a place booked on NEWT 2021 but because of Covid my country, Ireland will not allow international travel before the 19 of July so therefor I cannot get to Austria for the 17th. So my place is available to someone who can travel, I would be grateful for my deposit €230 in return for my place, if anyone is interested.
New requests to participate in the newt 2021 are closed. The group is now complete and can no longer accommodate other participants because of the hut accommodation possibilities. Please wait for the 2022 edition if you want to participate or join Roland, the tent group leader.
Have a wonderful NEWT. I hope to be among you in 2022…
thanks, a newt meeting very far from the virus covid19 pandemic.
I’ve had to drop out of NEWT2021 because of uncertainty of being about to travel to Austria. Covid is still hanging over us and making it impossible to arrange trips abroad at the moment. Hopefully this will improve as time moves on. If travel is possible and spaces are available maybe I’ll still be able to join in….
Have you all got vaccinated?
Had my second one last week. Lucky in that I had NO adverse reaction or side effects. Looking forward to more freedom, and nudity this summer.
Hi everybody, booked my ticket today, landing at München on 10:15 in the morning. Can anybody pick me up? (without Anna this time)
Feeling very happy that I am going to repeat this wonderful experience.
can we get the money back if there is lockdown ?? now it is not easy for international visitor to travel to EU
No, commitment to renting a hut and other expenses are incurred regardless of any one person’s travel plan changes.
I must add two connents.
1.May I suggest that you handle a waiting list. In this case a cancelation may be replaced be someone else. WIN WIN
2.If the activiyty is in Austria it is possible that Austria regulations will prohibit the plans. What then?
yes, we hope that the covid19 virus is gone in 2021
Could you please let me know which airports are nearby and also which city/village is nearby?
I would like to begin planning my trip as I am also considering driving there from Greece.
Thanks in advance
I decided not to drive but to fly …
Hopefully the COVID situation will be resolved enough by next July to allow travel to NEWT2021 !