Every weather is worth a hike

Pozza del Prefond (Monte Guglielmo – 45.779406, 10.119625)

Grey sky, a cold breeze, yet a nice hike, like ten days ago. Nature is not a sofa. The body knows nature that way, even in the grey, in the ice, even in the cold that runs through your body: it doesn’t want to challenge you, to force you to put on your clothes (as in Aesop’s fable https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_North_Wind_and_the_Sun): it wants you to know it, live.

5 thoughts on “Every weather is worth a hike”

    • That wasn’t my intention. On the contrary. To feel the cold wind, the humidity, as well as the sun and the heat is to open our pores to welcome nature as it is. After all, we don’t live – we don’t want to live – in a greenhouse. We’d lose a great deal.

    • This is a good point to think about, Richard. I took the picture not to give you the shivers. And it is the same, as when someone sees us naked: we don’t do it with the intention of offending (criminal intent, malice?), judging the mentality or mocking the modesty of others. What good would it do us? Everyone thinks as he likes, everyone has his own degree of modesty. In the same way, as it was not my intention (nor my responsibility) to give you a cold just seeing me, so one cannot assume that the law (and the penal code) defends his mentality, his modesty, his beliefs. And why, in turn, does the law also not defend our mentality, our modesty, our beliefs and lifestyle?

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