Naked Musings: Words and Naturism

November 21, 2018 in Uncategorized

The American linguist Benjamin Lee  Whorf once said:

Language is not simply a reporting device for experience but a defining framework for it.

The language and thus the words we use have a tremendous influence on our perception of life.  I find this interesting in the context of naturism due to the fact that in the English language we use certain body parts or regions of  the body in strictly a negative context.

Dick, boob, pussy, twat, knob, cock, cunt, asshole, tit…

Likely if you are called any of these words or described as one, it was intended as an insult.  One has to wonder what underlying effect hearing and using such words will have on peoples perceptions of their own body and other peoples bodies.   I don’t think the effect of this underlying linguistic and cultural effect escapes naturism.  Its hard to convince someone of the benefits of being naked when being naked requires one to expose parts of the body that are only perceived linguistically in a negative connotation.

Just something to think about.