Been very busy lately, so I haven’t had as much time to visit Naktiv as I would like. One of my projects is rehabbing a Kubota RTV to replace one that got totaled.
I installed a new pool liner up at the Casa but the weight of the water pulled away the liner from the water inlet in the deep end and created a tear and a leak. I designed this scaffold to allow me to work on the area and apply a patch to the torn spot. Actually, I wound up sitting in the scaffold, letting my feet dangle into the pool water.…[Read more]
You’re a handy man to have around. Remember men, if women do ‘t find you handsom they should at least find you handy! https://youtu.be/dI4sIgcZ22o
Yes indeed. Work at the Casa is constantly challenging and expanding my handiness quotient!
great work …… think of the savings you are making in the process
Redoing the whole pool, automatic pool cover, filter and pump house, plus adding solar heating … I am saving a small fortune.
that is great news on both counts
Building a new storage cabinet in my shop at the Casa.
I am going to teach myself MIG welding, so I am trying on my welding jacket out in the shop/
definitely a time that calls for some protective wear
Oh boy. That is really neat.
Yes indeed. This is just part of the outfit. Looking forward to playing with the welder, but don’t want to hurt myself.
That garment could be kept by your front door in case any callers are worried about you being naked? The back view might trouble them, but hey that’s just what happens when you’re following someone !
You may still have problems with the splatter landing on your feet and lower legs when not welding on a table top
Yeah, I am not going to weld like this. I’ll be dressed and will have on leather gloves and uppers to cover my lower legs and shoes … and a welding helmet with safety glasses as well. Just thought it would be a good semi-naked photo.
Please be careful., even with the right personal protective equipment(PPE).
I had a great boss who retired a few years ago and took a class in welding, only to be die from a related accident. Not sure of the details of what happened, but welding is definitely serious business.
A large oak tree that we had to cut up at the Casa after one of the main boughs came crashing down. Still have 4 more bouoghs to bring down. The second picture shows the stump at the top center that I was standing by … and no, I wasn’t naked when doing the cutting.
must have been a beautiful tree that was lost probably a wise move to be suitably attired whilst doing the hard yards
It was a beautiful tree, but we fortunately have many more. If you look at the upper right corner of the second photo, you can see the other 4 trunks in the same rotted stump that have to come down. Our power line runs right through the trunks.
have to agree great loss but trees have life spans and safety and other considerations always have to be applied for the best outcome thanks for your reply regards, naturally Tony
Return of the naturist: Why liking your body shouldn’t be a crime
March 30th, 2019 6:00 am| by Ali Gold Facebooktwittergoogle_pluspinterestmail
Getting her work displayed in central Copenhagen has been no easy feat for Mathilde Grafström. For years, she has been fighting censorship and criticism from the public and the police.Grafström is per…[Read more]
Naked Girls Reading – https://nakedgirlsreading.com
International performances of naked girls reading great literature.
Miley strikes a pose for nudity again – supporting National Puppy Day
I have long admired Miley Cyrus as someone who is not scared of body positivity and her body. In a recent Vanity Fair interview, even the fashion images showed a proclivity for (limited) body freedom. She talks about taking risks like this in this passage:
By accident, even though there really is no such thing, I have done a weird social…[Read more]
Just came across this picture from our nude cruise in Croatia last summer. The Captain let me take control of the ship for about a half hour. He grabbed a life vest and ran out yelling for everyone to abandon ship, a mad naked man had taken over the helm.
Ha ha, excellent adventure on the high seas!
great picture love it
Wow, what a great idea! I’d been looking for a way to get my own boat…now I know! Where do I sign up for a nude cruise? (Smaller boat, preferably) Hahaha!
Katarina Lines does 2-4 nude cruises a year in Croatia. This was our second cruise with them on the same ship – Seagull. About 30 passengers and 5 crew. Fantastic experience.
Sounds awesome!
Couple of shots from my trail up at the Casa. Shot on New Year’s Day
Been away on vacation in Croatia and France for the past 2-3 weeks. Plan on writing an article on our nude cruise out of Split which was wonderful. Will post soon. In the meantime, here I am overlooking the scenic coastline in Dubrovnik from our very nice AirBnB apartment.
Standing on the upper road at the Casa property next to the solar panel installation.
SPI Maker added a new photo 6 years, 7 months ago
Many are talking about the temps these days. Friday temp hit 107 F (41-42 C) at our house at the coast in Southern California in a staggering heat wave that still continues. My wife’s cousin has a home in Alpine, a arid area outside of San Diego. On Friday a wildfire swept through and took thier home, RV and one of their cars. This is a shot…[Read more]
Wow. That is awful. They must be devastated.
Definitely. Waiting to get back into their home to see what the extent of the damage may be.
They got back into their home and discovered the front of the house (den, dining room, kitchen) were destroyed but bedrooms and office were not (except for maybe smoke and water damage. So they were much more fortunate than they could have been, if fortunate is a word you can use in circumstances like this.
Yes, it could have been worse. It’s a good reminder for us all that things can change in our lives very quickly due to circumstances beyond our control. So, as we go through life dealing with its petty annoyances, always keep an eye on the important things – your health, your family, and your friends.
SPI Maker added a new photo 6 years, 7 months ago
Just came back from a naked weekend up at the Casa in the central coast. Up at the pool, the gnats can be a constant annoyance, so I just donned my “Bug Baffler” net top and worked away while the bugs could not bug me any more.
SPI Maker added a new photo 6 years, 7 months ago
Patio and privacy fence are done. Still have to do landscaping, furnishings, BBQ etc. But now I have a great place to lay out whenever I want with full sun till 5:00 or later.
It’s wonderful to be able to be naked wherever you like.
Eres tan correcto mi amigo. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be able to go out there naked without worry any time day or night. And I do so many times a day.
I know, my friend. I am getting ready to mow my lawn naked. I was watching the World Cup. Mexico beat Germany and now Korea.
SPI Maker added a new photo 6 years, 7 months ago
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A prime example of “Naktiv at Work!” Great series SPI.
here’s something I’ll never be able to do.
Wow! Great work and best overall to work!
I love working on projects naked too in the garage. There’s just no more of a comfortable way than nude