Naked Hiking Day afterparty

Our annual Solstice hike as described in my post directly above did not disappoint us, proving to be a most satisfying highlight of our encumbered three day weekend get-away. It was nice of another of our friends, also part of our Saturday hiking group to suggest during our hike that those of us interested in remaining another night, join him and occupy the platform adjacent to his at the Grout Pond developed camping area in the Green Mountain National Forest, about a forty-five minute drive south from the area of our hike. He had chosen to camp nude there both Friday and Saturday nights. John and I accepted the invitation and after a civilized meal in a pub on the outskirts of Wilmington with our other friend from Connecticut who had to return home that night, we parked our car at the campground and hiked the short half mile path into the remoter end of the developed camping area to meet up with our companion for the night. Our tents went up just as easily in the dark as they had the evening before by daylight. It was very pleasant chatting with our host deep into the night over a another warm camp fire thus enabling our continued nudity for yet another night and the day to follow. We all slept very well and awoke Sunday morning to an enchanting low hanging mist hugging the placid surface of the pond, just there waiting for us as we poked our heads out of our warm cocoons. A low flyover of a noisy flock of geese followed by the haunting call of a solitary loon had stirred us from our sleep only moments before our being greeted by this endearing scene. Our benefactor had to depart for home not long thereafter and long before we had thought much about breakfast.

John and I decided to abbreviate our breakfast, limiting it to but a warming cup of tea for each of us and then set out upon an early Sunday morning four mile walkabout of the wilds between Grout Pond and the Somerset Reservoir as an after-party celebration of the Summer Solstice. This time, I was able to leave everything behind, thus wearing only my VFF toe shoes. I treasure the experience of traveling in the nude and with nothing upon my back, without a net as it goes, and I indulge this fantasy whenever a special opportunity comes my way. For me, this four mile romp was a most welcomed gift from God. It wasn’t long before John began peeling off his only layer that he had started out with. Hiking over from our overnight campsite at the pond, we reached the reservoir and were greeted with a serenity that one only finds on such waters as the early sun climbs into a clear sky and before any breeze kicks up. Of course before departing the reservoir and turning back we both had to bask under the sun once again and then swim, both endeavors continued in our best attire for such occasions. This reservoir has never failed in delighting me upon my every return to it over the years.

Even though we were situated within the developed part of the Grout Pond reserve at a family oriented campground, John, our friend and I were all able to camp completely free of any need for attire (if not deterred by the brisk night air) for the entire night and following morning and only opted to put on cover as we approached near to our car and other occupied sites closer in to the parking area after breaking camp late Sunday morning. Many trees fallen from a recent intense storm and patches of deep mud made the back trails around the reserve less accessible than usual to less determined walkers, so we saw no one during our naked rambles. Of course, our nudity would have likely been a non-issue to most anyone that we might have encountered while roaming the remote power company lands that are part of the Somerset Reservoir and away from the immediate Grout Pond area. As it was, we encountered no one on any of the trails that we roamed the entire morning and no one ventured down to our end of the camp during our time spent there. The possibility of easily managed nude camping at this often popular pond side destination was another great discovery for me. John has camped there before and it once again met his expectations. Another spectacular experience and well worth our staying out the extra day for.

On our way home John and I had lunch at the Victory Diner on RT 9 near Brattleboro and were back home to the Boston area by 5pm Sunday evening. Upon arrival home, I finally had to dig out one of my Running Kilts and cover up before exiting my car in my driveway, my first need for clothing since departing my home Friday early morning aside from taking two of our meals at restaurants while in Vermont and conceding to local custom by pumping gas as a textile once. How easily one forgets what an encumberence clothes can be and how bluntly one is reminded upon return after three joyous clothing free days away.

Play naked.

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