Hiking naked, or as naked as practical.

When hiking naked one needs to be pragmatic. There is little joy to be had in insisting, puritanically, on pure naked OR not, as any mountaineer will tell you. There are few sillier people in the hills than those who go ill-equipped, and it is essential for basic safety to ensure you have a map and compass, drink and provisions, and emergency and foul weather kit. Not to mention blister plasters, sun/rain hat, anti-bug and sun-cream. Last and my no means least SENSIBLE footwear.

If you're not actually wearing some of this stuff, you have to carry it somehow, and a rucksack is the obvious and sensible solution. Can you imagine going mountain hiking with some sainsbury shopping bags in both hands, this would be both dangerous and stupid.

So, don't listen to the nay-sayers and the gloom and doom merchants, who want to push us all into little boxes, as to whether you are 'the perfect naked hiker', or not. Instead, use some common-sense, put on your boots, pack your rucksack, and head for the hills. And enjoy your naked hiking to the best of your ability, whatever that might be. As a motivator, you can see a couple of mountain hiking reports here: http://www.naktiv.net/walks/dent-les-rez/index.htm… and http://www.naktiv.net/newt/2012/index.html

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