From heaven to hell

July 22, 2015 in Uncategorized

The year 2015 started great and I expected to have one of the best year`s of my live. I was excited to join the NEWT, vist the saxon swiss for two weeks nude hiking and meet some nice people in august. My dad invitet me to visit him in Florida at the end of the year.
Fantastic, it can`t get better than this, I thought and was terribly right. In april my best girlfriend died, in may my beloved 3 year old tomcat passed away. June sarted with an inflammation of the bladder and ended with the information of my urologist thet I need a surgery at beginning of july. I was counting month,weeks and days till Newt and had to stop the countdown at 10 days.The doctor tolld me to avoid exertion the next 3 to 4 weeks so there was still hope to participate the saxon swiss nude hiking in august. But, I?ve been too early pleased because the diagnosis a few days after the first surgery was malignant tumors. So guess what, another surgery in august where im going to loose my bladder, prostate and eaven more than this. So there is still my trip to Florida left, I hoped.I I talked with somebody from an encounter group and was told that I probably would not survive the flight to the US and the first 6 month after that kind of surgery will be really hard and it takes about 1.5 years to recover halfway. Oh well , I forgot to mention the health problems of my mother since febuary and I was renovating my home and I am not able to finish the started work. Everybody tells me to think positive, belive me, I really would like to. At least i never have to fear an unwanted errection, because I will need medication to get an errection, if I`m lucky, am I lucky?