This Thirsday 2nd of July, naked hike in the Chartreuse massif, in France. It was a rather misty weather but with no wind and very few people hiking.

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This Thirsday 2nd of July, naked hike in the Chartreuse massif, in France. It was a rather misty weather but with no wind and very few people hiking.
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That looks like a wonderful place and conditions for a natural hike! To me, there’s always been something special and mysterious about those misty days, like an extra measure of distance between us and the strife of the “civilized” world. The cattle are certainly comfortable with your presence as a fellow natural inhabitant of their world.
“What’s the weather like?”
“Misty, with a chance of cows”.
The meekness of animals disarms me. Thank you Jeacques Marie for this beautiful photo. From the reality that you have seen come thoughts: it is a vision of a world at peace, quiet because enjoying the fact of living: today, it is our turn.