Better or Worse (two)

Living in a 'clothes-free' home was about as natural as it can be, there was no pressure at all to put clothes on or to take them off. It was usually more comfortable to get rid of outdoor clothes once indoors! depending on the levels of heating and comfort generally it was quite usual to take off more clothes until we felt more relaxed and comfortable. So even though, right through our school years, it was 'normal' to come home and see mother & my older sister naked, it became less of a problem telling our school friends about our home/style living. We lived in the same close area for the first 15 years, every neighbour, friend and shop owner for miles around knew of us. Yes there were some of our school friends who were told strictly by their parents "Do NOT go into their home or ever look at them with nothing on!". Amazingly those kids were always the 'odd ones' who had to go straight home after school or play in a different place to us and our closer friends. For at least 4 years in our first school my younger sister and myself began to wonder if we had some kind of disease or ailment that some people might get from us. Our closer pals didn't make such a big deal out of coming home with us, except maybe one lad when I was around 10 years old, he sat doing some school work in our house when he said to our older sister, "Now you have tits please don't lean over my shoulder, I can't do my writing with one of them on me!" It was just a casual remark then but years later he became her husband!

More follows later

5 thoughts on “Better or Worse (two)”

  1. “…except maybe one lad when I was around 10 years old, he sat doing some school work in our house when he said to our older sister, “Now you have tits please don’t lean over my shoulder, I can’t do my writing with one of them on me!” It was just a casual remark then but years later he became her husband!”
    Just proves what happens when people don’t have proper boundaries!

    • Yes Martin I agree about people who don’t have proper boundaries and equally unnerving are folk who suddenly over-react when our boundaries (re getting out of clothes!) differ greatly from their own. My wife removed her blouse to put on a sweatshirt & because her breasts were uncovered for about 90 seconds, (in a ladies wear dept) a woman screeched “Not in front of my husband please, he doesn’t see breasts!”.
      My wife did buy the sweatshirt and proudly left the store wearing it, saying “I wouldn’t want my breasts to corrupt anymore ‘virgin husbands’ here.

  2. “Now you have tits please don’t lean over my shoulder, I can’t do my writing with one of them on me!”. That is very funny! For a 10 year old, it must been difficult to adjust to. I have a new boss that doesn’t have the same concept of personal space. He is a good guy but working on projects is a bit uncomfortable at times. He has a couple other quirks that require getting used to. But like your friend, I got used to girls and breasts, and I’m sure I’ll get used to the new boss. Even if he leans over my shoulder. LOL! 😉

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