Friendly reminder on content posting

A friendly reminder to all, and especially to new, members. When posting content, please ensure it is firstly relevant to the site and also that it abides by the site’s rules for naked content. The fairly comprehensive photo guidelines will help if anyone is unclear on this. Thanks

Friendly reminder on photo uploads

A reminder to all, and especially new members to the site. Please make your posts relevant and interesting to the memberhip. This includes not posting inane “look at me and my genitals” photo. The photo guidelines should help anyone who is not clear on this. Thanks for your co-operation and understanding.

Brian Taylor

The contents of this blog have been moved from the original site-policy <a href="">blog</a>, because people were confusing the actual issue with the hot-topic example. Here is the original blog

Sins against god.

The puritan religious right still consider homosexuals a "sin against god", (ie; they don't like it). The mindless liberal left consider homosexuals a boon to mankind, (ie; it's politically correct

New Report
