Harvest time

A mason’s level perfectly horizontal between me and the ripe wheat: in a few days, it will be reaped. The sun ripened it, just as it did us, day by day. I feel ‘live-in’ with the vines, the plant, the grass, the rocks and the sun that never stands still: everything is interpenetrating, consubstantial while … Read more

Garden Awakening!

We had our ‘Spring Garden’ event a couple of weeks ago, not really a big event just a few family people and around 6 or 8 others who kind of ‘drift in’ each time.  We like to mark what we think is the awakening of our garden after a sleep and resting. As always we … Read more


This is from Wikipedia interesting 🧐 – As Nudist I’m certain it will be an interesting read. Lifelong Nudist myself – Anything to do with Nudism I dig to read. But being outdoors completely Naked is the Best of all. Read this then completely Naked outdoors! Voila !!   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_nudity

Original Self

I was looking at this picture repeatedly and didn’t understand why or what it was about that attracted me. Indeed, the pappi whitening the leaves of the poplars and the grass of the meadow like a second snowfall is not a sight one sees every day. Perhaps it was the particular morning light that leaves … Read more

Una rosa sul mio percorso

In un giorno qualsiasi, di un anno qualsiasi ho incontrato una rosa, sbocciata spontaneamente. Il colore è sorprendete in tutto quel verde, non puoi non notarla. Non è come noi che abbiamo uno scopo per tutto ciò che facciamo: lei sarebbe sbocciata comunque, non aspettava me in particolare: lei fa la sua vita. Sono i … Read more

When I was 16yo

A memory from when I was 16. I don’t know if it’s a poem; it’s one word after another (written in 2013).   I have time for others while I think about what to do for later. What jumps out at me, I do, driven by a spring that throws me into the water. I … Read more


Sauna is a good place to introduce beginners to naked lifestyle. And gradually open for them active naturism. Nudity in the sauna comes naturally to many. Men, women, children. In one place. Naked. Without shame.

Paesaggio bucolico

Appena veduti i vignaioli, ero indeciso se scattarmi la foto. Poi ho sentito una pressione interiore che mi ha spinto a preparate macchina e cavalletto. Ero ancora in tempo a scattare semplicemente la foto al paesaggio. Ma di nuovo da sole le mani si sono mosse a togliermi giubbetto e pantaloni. E ho scattato: avevo … Read more

Green pass

Tutta questa luce, tutto questo sereno, la limpidezza dell’aria fanno trionfare il verde delle querce e dei cipressi, di contro al terso azzurro del cielo. C’è un’evidenza immanente, una gloria (δόξα direbbero i testi delle liturgie pasquali), una forza invincibile e pacifica che governa tutto.

La luce accende il mondo

Il sole è appena sorto. C’è ancora un fresco venticello che accarezza le canne e i rami del pioppo. Le foglie sono dello stesso colore che avevano in autunno: qualcosa continua, si riprende un discorso interrotto. Contemplo la foto e la mente si riempie delle cose che vedo: non sono ancora pensieri, men che meno … Read more

Voglia di muoversi

Dopo le ultime piogge, una manna per la campagna, con la neve che di nuovo è caduta bassa (700m.) m’è ritornata la voglia di uscire di muovermi e vedermi e fissarmi nella natura. Ormai i primi pruni hanno perso i loro fiori bianchi e rosa, una festa per gli occhi, e anche i peschi stanno … Read more


War… Pain and fear… War breeds anger. But a naked man must be a peacemaker. A naturist must be in harmony with nature and the world around him. A naked person has no pockets to hide weapons. A naked man will not stab in the back. Naturism is honesty and openness.

First and last snow

Today February 15, is the patronal feast day of Brescia. Faustino and Giovita, warrior saints from the second century AD, are celebrated. During the siege of the Lombards in Brescia (VII century), they appeared on the city’s walls and defended it. A proverb says that San Faustino is the last merchant of snow. And just … Read more

Do I Know You?

My wife has recently been through a course of treatment at our medical centre which involved 4 separate visits. The mere thought of preparing for a short journey there was daunting for her. The carer (care giver) had to make an extra visit to help get her washed, dressed and ready for every event. Usually … Read more

Hazelnut catkins

It’s the 1st of February, and spring is suddenly here. The sun is warm, the air is fresh, and a gentle breeze. Everything is clear. The snow on the peaks is receding. I feel as if I am being reborn. And what wonder was seeing the first hazelnut catkins this morning, wandering around the Reserve! … Read more

Self tanning?

As I was applying  a dollop or squirt of the tanning solution I began to wonder if others did the same? I know that women use the stuff for their legs, but do men use it on their bodies? I know it serves me well for my self esteem. And I always feel that much … Read more

Me and the fog

Mixing two excellent readings from my student days: Gorilla in the Mist and The Naked Ape. I am not a polar bear, nor do I dive into the Neva on New Year’s Eve. It is a knowledge to feel the moisture in the air, the cold of winter, on your skin. Despite the climate, I … Read more

New Report
