Patrick Thompson

Naked?.. who me?

January 14, 2016 in Uncategorized

A poll on this place recently has asked if naturists are exhibitionists. I don't think that is a question that a real naturist can answer. I started my life with parents who were quite comfortable with nakedness within our family home, to the point that actually being naked was no different to being clothed, except of course it was putting clothes on to go outdoors that made it's impression on us. We didn't make a point of being without clothes at any point any differently than any other household, but when we were naked it was nothing to notice specially. I do recall however being amazed, when I was around 7 or 8, that a school friend gasped & then giggled stupidly when I mentioned that I sat on the floor talking to my mother while she had her bath. (The tin bath in front of the fire!). The school friend actually said "Did you see your mums bare titties then?"
I think that was possibly the first time I understood that perhaps not everyone lived the same way! So from that time onwards it was 'known' by myself & my sister that it wasn't always a great idea to talk about home life too much at school, just to avoid all the ridiculous giggles and stupid words for parts of the body. We were certainly not in any way being exhibitionists when we grew through childhood & teen years not caring who saw us naked in our own home. We knew that it was perfectly natural & just the same as having clothes on. In fact it felt strange having to cover parts up when certain people came in our home. We often said in our earlier years "Why don't they like nakedness to the sense it frightens or disgusts them?".
Through early adult life, long after my dad passed away, there were certainly no changes in how we were at home. When we felt like having nothing on that's just what happened. In fact we got less concerned as years progressed about who saw us in varied states of dress or undress. We had developed a technique I suppose for knowing who we wanted inside our home & who we felt comfortable with. We were certainly not worried about any nudity, we were cautious about clothes & people in them!
Now as I get midway through my 6th decade I care even less about who comes into my home while I'm natural, (nude!) my wife isn't a natural (nude!) person although it isn't a problem for her when folks come in, she says "Naked.. who cares.. turn & walk if you are bothered by it." So I say 'NO' I'm not an exhibitionist, but I am pleased that I can be naked socially, after all that's how I'm made. When anyone has a conversation with me and my nakedness isn't an issue, I am just satisfied that 'naturalness' is real, not 'on show' as a difference.

No frills, this is me!

January 9, 2016 in Uncategorized

The curious thing is being naked is what we are! We don't have to be a 'naturist' or a 'nudist' to be naked do we, everyone is naked. When we decide to put clothing on, then we become different! If I put a uniform of some kind on, or maybe something with a badge or insignia on it, then I am trying to indicate that I belong to a 'unique' group or club. If I wear a costume of a country or national dress then I signify a link with that place, maybe. If I am a man & I wear clothing usually associated with the male human then I am reaffirming my gender status. Likewise if I were a female and wore clothing of that sex stereotype. I could use clothing to create a false idea, I could wear 'mixed-gender' clothing to avoid classification of that orientation kind.
All of the styles, colours & options of clothing are used to create something other than what we actually are. There's different quality clothing that can be bought with either huge sums of cash or at a bargain store for very little cash. So social status is often defined by what we wear, making it probably easier to fit in with whatever social strata we feel most 'in-tune' with. So surely it has to follow then that to avoid making pre-programmed judgements about people, through whatever clothes they wear, we have just 2 options.
We can ignore all of the uniforms, the badges of status or achievement, we can revalue the clothing people wear so that it is all of one standard in our judgement & completely irrelevant. Alternatively we can just get naked, or return to our unclothed state! Then we begin at an equal level to each other. The males, the females, the people. We are what we are. Our personality & our character traits define us, our education given by our genes & by our birth parents. Our life experiences are our building blocks, our personality adapts & develops as we grow. So to meet someone without clothing, with no false cover, we are able to talk without instant barriers, converse & discover, live & learn about each other.
Yes we do look at the physical appearance of each unclothed person we meet, we are preprogramed to make some judgements that it is difficult to 'de-program'. When we see a large person with excessive body mass we make judgements, when we see a slim athletic looking person we make mental notes of what we perceive that person to be 'about'. We will possibly always make instant calculations of some kind or other, but the obvious thing I think about meeting unclothed people is, you see the person not an artificial cover or pretence. Be prepared to be more open minded, be naked! Be aware that people are not always as you might perceive them, be naked & give everyone a basic start, with no frills!

Nice man.. NOT!

January 3, 2016 in Uncategorized

We usually have the good fortune to know 'nice' people. We don't try and be judgemental about everyone we meet but instinctively we seem to gravitate towards 'nice' people. What I mean by that is we meet people who have a caring & compassionate side to their nature, they look for good things in life & tend to share happier aspects of what happens. They try to be helpful & will often come to offer some of their own good luck or little treat if they can. We reciprocate and blend much better with people who shy away from the unpleasant things & the grisly side of daily news & gossip. Of course there's no real way of knowing how your relationship with 'newcomers' is going to develop or bear fruit. From time to time we come across a "wrong'n" or someone who suddenly seems greatly different to what our first impressions made us believe.
On Christmas Eve an elderly lady that we knew in our local neighbourhood sadly died. It wasn't expected even though she had attained the good age of 92. She had a vibrant & lovely nature, a smile & cheeky grin that could make anyone feel comfortable. She would often tease younger people and regale them of stories from her own young life. In these last 10 to 14 years she has had a carer calling in to 'assist' her twice every day & she continued to live independently of relatives & all the care homes & institutions that offer quality home from home places. The carer would help her prepare meals, do laundry & keep the flat basically tidy. The only 'personal' care that she had to administer was making sure that the correct tablets were taken at the correct times.
Sadly it was this same very kind carer who found the sweetest lady 'asleep' in her own armchair. With a tight hold on her own emotions she contacted paramedics and a doctor, though the sad truth was all too obvious. Only when the accepted procedures had happened and when our lovely friend had been taken to the undertakers did the carer give way to her own feelings of deep deep sadness & loss. Her once staunch frame crumpled and she sat on the floor crying so much, her grief almost too powerful to control.
Some few days later another neighbour, who I shall call 'Bob' decided to become the bearer of the sad news to anyone he thought would not already know. Not the nicest of things to do, but 'Bob' has added a twist to his version of events of that sad time. According to 'Bobs' version it was the "Slow & pathetically lax attitude of the carer that resulted in the actuall death!" He took some measure of pride in spreading this scandalous gossip & vileness to whoever would listen. The feelings that we have for him now vary wildly from sheer abhorrence to an actual hatred for the way he has wrongly brought shameful disrespect to the carer. The torment is with us, we thought previously that he was a nice man, now we feel he has the very satan inside his mind. We will do whatever we can to see that his evilness is eliminated and the wrongful slander is rectified.
All is not what it seems when you meet someone is it, can we ever be certain who the 'nice people' are?


December 30, 2015 in Uncategorized

Goodbye 2015. A very mixed year that brought some serious peaks & troughs in our life. From the beauty of enjoying quality naked time with family & friends on some mind blowing occasions, to some heart breaking & almost soul destroying times when I really doubted my own life.
We saw in the new year of '15 with some positivity even there was a very dark cloud forming. We decided to embrace our naked lifestyle options & make sure that it wasn't going to be any kind of a secret from anyone. We knew some folk would find it difficult to accept, maybe some would turn away after calling out a few words that were both wrong & totally offensive. Some would completely understand, take as just what it is, natural nudity when & where we feel comfortable, which is around 100% of the time at home & with other naturists. In fact we got to a stage fairly soon that whenever we come back indoors from some tedious visit to the outside mad world, we didn't just take off coats & boots, we took everything off! yes we would just get naked as naturally as taking a coat off. The only time that seemed to cause gasps of shock was when we met the local councillor at our door as we got home one day. She is a very lovely & gregarious woman and her infectious laughter has 'jollied-up' many dull events. We invited her inside as we got home from our nieces home, we took her coat and pointed out the route to our kitchen-diner, as per usual we stepped into our ground floor bedroom and stripped nude! I have to say that this was one meeting where our important visitor was somewhat speechless for once.
It was the first of several meetings with her during this past 12 months, all that took place in our home saw us naked, not her! it was to become totally accepted & largely unnoticed.
We also received many 'eyes-wide-open' looks when we had unexpected callers such as charity collectors at our door, some had the pleasure of my wife's ample breasts filling their gaze, some less fortunates found themselves unwittingly scanning my nude torso & toes! We don't have Jehovah's anymore, we still get the Salvation Army! maybe they are hoping to salvage our souls?
In another blog later perhaps I'll get more stories out for you. Maybe the unfolding events of this rollercoaster year will be scripted here for you? I can't honestly say just now, but you can be sure I will be blogging again soon!

Why Buy Now?

December 25, 2015 in Uncategorized

What kind of things do you expect to be given at Christmas? What kind of gifts do you hope for on your birthday? I often wonder if we either seek to increase praise on us by almost demanding better valued gifts, or do we just hope the things we get are what we actually want & can make some use of. Then there's the alternative viewpoint, do we give the gifts that say "This cost a small fortune!" or do we actually stop and consider the person we're buying for? Do we buy presents to suit the person who will receive them?
Maybe it is just our individual personalities, but my wife & I rarely just buy gifts on birthdays & at Christmas. We tend to buy each other things throughout the year that will actually be appreciated in some way by each other. It could be something to wear, it could be some kind of gadgetry or some electrical gizmo. It could be as simple as a CD or a pair of slippers. The point we make to each other is that we care & we take notice of each other every day of every year! These little shows of gifts or treats to a night away are truly appreciated because they are uniquely for the occasion & the person, not for some festive period that isn't all that personal or meaningful.
Another side of this topic is the actually buying of presents for a 'religious' period? Is that what we use to signify our devotion at Christmas? Is it the jewellery or the ipad, is it the coat or the new shirt? Is that our way of saying we actually believe the full Christianity story from Genesis to 2015?
For myself & for my wife we are content to let the 'present' Christmas slip by uncared for! The rush & crush around shops & the panic about what is the 'right thing' for auntie Nelly or uncle Bob. Is it right to spend only £x on mum or should we spend £x+z? We think the joy of watching what others get is a visual pleasure for us, along with all the re-runs of TV shows & overhyped programmes.
Yes it is "each to their own" I guess, but at least I have put the thought out there, 'Why do you buy presents at Christmas & birthdays?"

Secret Guilty pleasures

December 21, 2015 in Uncategorized

My "Secret Guilty Pleasure" We had a very good social evening of fun & games and just chilled out the way we always used to. No TV, no noisy music or computer games. We played some board games, did some group quiz games & re-lived stories we each recalled from our varied childhoods. We even had a laugh when each of us in turn described our 'Secret Guilty Pleasure'! Of course it's no longer secret once you discuss it, but there are quite a few surprises popping up I can assure you. You would think that a group of naked adults would have little to 'hide'!
For what it's worth my 'Secret Guilty Pleasure' seems quite boring. When there is a really heavy torrential downpour, lashing winds & rain just pounding down, trees being thrashed, bent & twisted, when it seems all the hurricane winds have met up with savage wet outrages, I just love to be out there, walking head down and battling against the tormented weather, completely naked! Yes, as bare as the day I was first born. Being out and feeling the forces of nature against my old naked torso is somehow refreshing, cleansing & just so 'in touch' with nature, I love it!
Playing all the party games that were the way of things in the 50's & 60's makes for a great fun event, interacting becomes the whole part of the pleasures, not glued to some entertainment gadget box, not clicking out text messages while others stand around with glasses of wine or bottled beers. No alcohol to cloud the senses and no outrageous comments of a sexual tone, just banter that gives good laughter and re-connects friends.
I reckon that must be my other 'Guilty Pleasure' that just isn't a 'Secret', I really enjoyed our fun & games gathering, good clean fun!

Sleep, Panic Garden

December 19, 2015 in Uncategorized

Is it usual to need less sleep as we get older? I realise it probably has a lot to do with how active your body is through the day? But, for over 5 years now I am finding it rare to sleep more than 5 hours maximum. Often 4 hours see's me awake and ready to start the day. The downside is that from around 6pm I can doze off in seconds! I never nap for more than 20 mins, but it really is annoying my wife. All my doctor says is, "Your body gets the rest it needs to recharge & prepare for another day". So I will try not to doze off, I will try to stay in bed and sleeping for longer periods, but up to now I've had no success.
Is your sleep full of vivid stories in short snappy images? do you dream at all? It is a topic that interests me, the world of dreams (night time images in your sleep) is peculiar and not subject to any laws, manmade or otherwise. My mind often races through lots of pictures & odd small events, but in most cases I find it difficult to recall them afterwards. The one dream I have that happens quite often is about me walking naked around a garden maze! Twists & turns through head high bunches of flowers & overhanging green vegetation's. Then I become aware that I need to go out into the street to catch a bus, but my dilemma is should I go and get some pants to put on later or just run for the bus? One minute I'm enthralled by the garden conundrum and then off in a panic status. This is one dream I don't need to become a reality !

Just The Spirit/Soul

December 17, 2015 in Uncategorized

I have been asked many times why I believe that spirits exist and visit our days. The only logical answer I can think of is.. because they do!. There isn't another explanation to what happens to our sole/spirit after the moment of death. We have various ways of disposing of the earthly material body, cremation is becoming more common than burial in the UK. What happens to the thoughts, feelings, emotions, knowledge, loving & the simple act of just 'being'? The whisp of air that is just less than transparent is carrying so much. I small area of infinity and almost no space at all is taken up by all those years of learning, loving & being. If there is anything at all after our earthly bodies die, there must be a form it takes & a way of moving from one place to another? When you can just sense there's a person standing behind you in an empty space, there truly is someone there! No.. not a person with all the body parts in all the right places, remember they were destroyed at the crematorium or buried in that box. No.. this person is just the essence of that soul, the spirit, the very fibre of its being. When you get that slight but strong passing aroma of someone you've loved & lost, that's just what it is.. a miniscule atom of that person still has the power to trigger your senses, a power to say, "Remember Me?"
So if anyone asks you about spirits/souls, just say, "What will your spirit do when your body is done with?"

Ice On The Inside

December 15, 2015 in Uncategorized

I was born right at the beginning of the 1950's in a coal mining town, most families in those days had at least 4 children and many had more. In our area we had 3 bedroomed terraced houses and of course most were coal fired. No such thing as central heating in those houses, in fact the only heat in the house was right in front of that one coal fire. The windows had only one pane of glass in ach frame & many wooden frames were in a very bad condition. Cracks in glass often had to wait to be replaced & it wasn't uncommon to see tape put over a cracked window. When the winter ice & snow came we often saw ice on the inside of the window and I have seen snow on inside window sills! The stories you may hear now of 'Fathers overcoat being used as a blanket' are not just fabrications. My dad's army greatcoat was thick & heavy and it was much needed on the bed I shared with my sister. Oh yes, I shared a bed with a girl! Right up to being 15 we had to share and then she got her own bed!
Having to run downstairs at 7:30am wearing just a vest in frantic hurry to get to the fireside, was a daily routine. Sitting cross-legged on a rag carpet we had to watch for sparks from the wood or coal landing on the floor. By the time I was 7 I was very skilled at picking up & flipping back a lump of burning coal that had 'sparked' onto the floor.
The clothes that we were both going to wear for school would be hanging over the wooden chairs placed quite close to the roaring red & orange coals. After a bowl of cornflakes and half a pint of tea, we would lift our half naked bodies up to start getting dressed. Often a smaller 'spark' would flip into our boots and would require some deft juggling and a few "buggers!" to stop our 'soles' bursting into flame!
We knew no other, this was our life, we couldn't complain of being cold, it was winter & there was up to 7 inches of ice & snow outside of course we were cold, that's how it was. We washed in a bowl of murky grey lukewarm water & used a bar of dark green soap. We had patches on our pants because they had been repaired, it wasn't a fashion statement. In fact I recall having a patch sewn into a patch! For a lad to wear anything under his knee length trousers was unheard of! My sister had knickers halfway to her knees under a heavy linen dress, we both wore stockings up to the knees and boots laced over the ankles.
After school we often played with very basic toys in front of that same fire naked! School clothes were already off and being laid covered in brown paper under the settee cushions to keep some heat in them (?). Dad & mam were often in various states of undress, sometimes naked to the waist, in summer maybe totally naked. We would prefer to play games in our own back yard in summer afternoons, then we need not get dressed again once we had taken off our school things. Playing naked in the yard was usual. We sometimes had neighbours kids in too, they would get naked sometimes, but it wasn't a big deal! We all knew the difference between boys and girls, boys had 'tiddlers' and girls had fannies. Over many years through those early 1950's we had some great times. The fact that we were 'poor' wasn't relevant, everyone was in the same situation. In fact my dad was a senior coal miner and we got free coal, he got a wage of around £7 per week, so we were not as poor as many were. As my dad said so often "With food in your belly, coal on the fire & a mam & dad to love you, there wasn't need for anymore!"
How we change. BUT… are we changed?

Stay awake next time !

December 13, 2015 in Uncategorized

Dozing off in my armchair isn't usually something that causes much laughter. Not even amongst those who are used to seeing a naked, fat, bald, hairy, snoring, farting old guy with a cushion clasped to his leg to prevent cramps. If you add a cheeky 12 year old lad who has been temporarily abandoned in the same room with a large box of stage make-up, you can just about predict how this story pans out!
I know I sleep more than in an 'unconscious' state sometimes, I am aware that various noises emanating from many orifices can cause more than pollution & shortage of breathable air, but what happened to my bald pate and my 'senior' complexion is just not right! A certain lad thought he suddenly had potential as a creator of a clown make-up to outdo many famous comical genius fools.
When our neighbour popped by to leave a parcel, she let out an audibly loud intake of breath when she saw me, I thought "How odd, she has seen my nude Adonis like figure before?"… When our regular feline visitor, who tries to capture stray birds in our garden, lets out a pain stricken meow as it leaps a metre & half over a fence, I begin to feel something is not quite as it ought to be!
Then as the sound of my nieces car arriving by our front door caused a certain agile young man to leap a garden gate over a metre high, I ought to have realised at least that not everything was quite 'hunky-dory' as perhaps it could have been. When the front door opened I had my back to it, I heard my wife say, "The silly old fool is still naked!"
Then.. and with a screeching yelp… I heard my niece scream… "Oh no! Where the F*ck is that little sh*t!"
My next sentence can't be scribed here, I might be accused of threatening a juvenile some damage with a rather solid metal walking stick!

In sickness & in… sickness

December 11, 2015 in Uncategorized

Waiting in overcrowded rooms full of people with all manner of coughs & sneezes, groans & wheezes has never been high on my list of favourite ways to spend an afternoon! Now no doubt many of you will agree with that notion, but I had never considered until today just how many bugs & virus's are shared around in a doctor's waiting room area! Before even taking my seat I had to make some judgements about people I didn't even know. More than likely I just wouldn't want to know some of them. But my dilemma was, what kind of illness or affliction did each of these infested souls have? How many might be contagious or just plain irritating! The obviously pregnant woman looked as if her 9 months had already gone by! The man who was dozing off at the corner seat had a suspicious pool of water at his feet and a 'wet trail' down his trouser leg! Three very loud young children battled to see who could create the loudest disturbance in the most irritating way. One tried dragging a chair on its side across the tiled corridor floor, another dragged his female sibling by the hair onto a chair that had one leg on his mothers foot!
Over by the door sat a wheezing & coughing old man who seemed to be reaching into the depths of his body to yank up each rasping splurge of phlegm & projectile spit. A teenaged girl who seemed to have a hairstyle of a million colours & pins stabbed into various parts of her head with chains & metallic symbols hanging from them. This multi-various complexity of humanity made me wonder if my medical situation, (which in itself isn't trivial) could be endangered by this visit for further medications to be prescribed?
I have no wish to denigrate my fellow man, nor do I want to downplay any illness or ailment suffered by these unfortunate souls. But I do fear that much of the bug borne illness in my local society could be finding its breeding ground there, amongst those at their most vulnerable. I may not be in the peak of good health myself but I wouldn't choose to make my situation any more precarious after such a call upon our brilliant NHS GP services.
Am I more ill after my visit? Are my newly dedicated pills for any newly resident virus in my (Adonis like???)body ?

Dressed, Ingognito ?

December 9, 2015 in Uncategorized

Our good friend Joanne came to see us yesterday. Nothing much unusual about that in itself, but what made me smile was the fact that both my wife & I were naked, Joanne stayed dressed because quite simply she is not a naturist. She does however wear some very 'provocative' clothing. Very tight short skirts,low cut & boob hugging tops, very high heeled shoes & quite a bit of make-up. She is a very attractive young woman, (she's around 40!)who really dresses to 'tease' & have a 'laugh' with people generally who mock & comment about her. She quite candidly admits that men ogle her and make lewd remarks about her. She comes to us on odd occasions just to 'chatter' and talk over so many topics and relate news about her family and her new grandson. The fact that we were (& quite usually are) naked makes no difference to Joanne, her talking and laughter rarely changes. What particularly was different on this visit is she commented on the fact that people come and visit us with little or no comment about our nakedness, but people who see her are always making comments about sex and sexual activity.
At the end of quite a lengthy chat she came to some agreement with us that "naked isn't actually sexy!" but dressing in a provocative manner which highlights but yet hides the sexual tones of her body, is potentially quite dangerous to her. We told her of the dozens (if not more!) people that see one or both of us naked every day, people just going about their usual daily routine, people who just happen to have a reason to call and see us, people whose only comment about our (or my) state of undress is when the warmth of our home is in direct contrast to the outside world. A local woman who brings a magazine for my wife came in and had a 10 minute 'rest' with us made a comment about needing to put warmer clothes on and a thicker jumper to keep warm on her outdoor journey's. Her main comment (which was in general flow of conversation) was something like, "it must be odd being so naked all day for you when the weather isn't that good, but I suppose it's natural & what you do!"
So here we have two very different yet related comments and attitudes towards nudity, it's comfort & it's non-sexual presence when sex is not the objective. I think that in our own little but effective way, we are slowly changing the 'accepted' attitudes towards naturists/naturism. We are by just being ourselves getting social nudity back into mainstream daily life. Many who come to our home don't actually notice weather we are dressed or naked! The only comment I ever get is when someone I know meets up with me in a very different location and they just don't (at first) recognise me clothed. They come out with that classic line, "I didn't recognise you with your clothes on!"

Sun.. Sand.. small !

December 7, 2015 in Uncategorized

I lay almost motionless, pretending to sleep, the sun was almost directly over me, every person passing cast a shadow over my face. On Cap D'Agde beach in 1991 I lay naked and alone. All of my friends had gone to get drinks. I was left guarding just one bag & the towel I lay on. I had the bag strap around my wrist and a second strap ran to a large stone buried in the sand near my head.
I heard a variety of voices pass by, mostly French, some Spanish & a few English. One young female stood near me and blocked my sunlight. I kept my eyes closed for a moment. I heard her say, "Why has he got a large bag tied to him?" then an older female voice said, "He's possibly gay, he may be waiting for his woman to return, he may just be alone & strange?". My mind raced through those alternatives, I decided to let them know I was most certainly not gay. I opened my eyes, I got a momentary blindness as the sun's brightness filled my vision. Then I saw a tall willowy naked female with very long blonde hair, a smaller & much younger female, equally nude, stood with her foot almost onto the other bag strap. I sat up and both moved a step backwards in surprise. The older female took hold of the younger one's hand, then quietly said, "We have easy time to walk away, he is fat & lazy and his penis is small!"
I only remained stunned for a second before I replied, "Yes it is, there is nothing to make him rise up, he needs a sexy female to react to!"

The creature grew

December 6, 2015 in Uncategorized

Tattoos are difficult to assess for me. I always maintained that I don't like huge, ornate, elaborate tattoo's and much preferred the smaller, delicate, quietly placed versions. My late nephew had a huge tattoo. It began in his lower back area and spread larger as it came up towards his shoulders. The elaborate and skilful drawing was being transposed so cleverly that it made me gasp in wonderment. What had started with what I saw as an eagles claw had evolved into a mythical creature of many parts. Like an engorged lizard like being it soon had wings of a malformed bat! Serpents forked tongues spat fire from each ribbed finger of the wings. The torso curved upwards and over his left shoulder, and en route it began to colonise his upper left arm. A sinuous and grotesque neck reached almost to his left chest, there the most hideously horrendous contorted fire & bile erupting head engulfed his entire chest!
Some weird and yet splendid creation of some ones nightmares had been skilfully depicted on his very human and toned upper body. The long and arduous task of colouring in this tormented twisted creation had began, parts of the rear end, parts of one wing and the armadillo type scaled neck had colouration evolving, it was becoming something near beautiful!
Yet… in an ironic & cruel twist of fate, another evil creature, serpent, was beginning to grow at a terrifying pace inside my poor nephews head. CANCER!
That hideous & cruel creature germinated and grew, it spread its tenticular grip on his brain, it grew at a pace no-one had anticipated. He was given just 3 months life expectancy. He was made of sterner & stronger fighting material. This serpent wasn't going to end him before he had completed some "bucket-list" tasks. He did 90% of what he needed to do, then after 14 months his life and been invaded & ended by a much worse thing than a tattoo. The creature that was designed to be hideous and frightening, taking over his chest & back in skilful ink drawings, was a mere pixie a whisp of evil in comparison to the creature that ended him.
Tattoo's ? well okay.

Shower Lazy Times

December 5, 2015 in Uncategorized

Lazing around after having had a shower is probably the best part of being naked at home, specially in a naturist household. From a very early age my sister & I were allowed to run around naked after bathtime, even up to our mid-teen years we never rushed to get any kind of clothing on after shower or baths. My sisters first boyfriend wondered what was happening when I came down into the room naked after my shower and no one even seemed to notice. He was even more stunned when she asked if he wanted to go and chat with her whilst she washed her hair. He said meekly "I'll wait till you put something around yourself, if you are getting your things off!" She laughed out loud and said, "They're only breasts, they don't bite and if you touch without permission you'll get a slap!"
Now some great many years later it's still a great feeling, all nice & freshly cleaned, smelling nice & actually feeling good to just lounge around. My family still disregard me naked, even though the actual persons have changed. My sister is sadly no longer with us, a tragic accident took her in 1996. Her beautiful daughter Lisa is now approaching the same glorious looks that her mum had. She often stays here with us, last night she came through after her shower naked, her son carried on with his computer games, my wife went to wash her hair & I… .. well I just sat around naked too and recalled the amazing 'replay' of a scene that has occurred so many times in my home.
Lazy lounging around after shower/bathtime. Isn't it odd how life keeps repeating. I said isn't it odd how life keeps repeating… I said isn't…..

Look.. No Willy!

November 28, 2015 in Uncategorized

We played in the back garden, when I was around 7 years old, with our cousin Susan who is about 2 years older than I am. My sister was just under 2 years younger than me. We had a large sheet spread out on the lawn, I had my swimming trunks on, the two females had bikini type costumes on. Even at that age I soon realised that they had top half's to their swim wear but nothing to really cover with them. After quite a while I got curious and directly asked Susan, "Why do you put that on when you don't have any titties?" I assume my vocabulary was from what I had overheard?. Susan looked a little puzzled at first, then after a moment or two actually phrasing her answer in her mind first so that she could make it sound 'knowledgeable' she answered "It's because we are girls, we don't have what boys have so we grow titties, that means we have these to practice!" she sai tugging at her top. I was momentarily baffled, so I asked "What don't you have that boys have?" She smiled and ushered me to her side, carefully she pulled open the front of her bikini pants and pointing down inside she said "LOOK.. No willy!" Of course I did look, of course I knew what I was looking at because I had a younger sister. Wanting to sound baffled I retorted "Oh no, you broke your willy off and its got a cut in it!"
That moment lived in my memory right along the years. When I had a conversation with Susan more than 50 years later I reminded her of that incident. To my surprise she remembered it too! She scowled at me and said "Even then you knew what you were doing, you understood what you were looking at!"
"Yes," I replied "I did and I made sure I saw yours and many more in the years since then, I have learned even more about the differences between females & males, it isn't all in between the legs neither!"
All I can add now is… Viva La Difference!

Rash words

November 27, 2015 in Uncategorized

A nurse had to come and 'attend' to me yesterday, for some odd reason I was having a bad reaction to some 'new' tablet my doctor had prescribed. I had developed a really irritating skin condition all over my torso. A lot of red blotches appeared and made me feel a need to scratch at them. Also my groins and my anus became very sore & with red open skin.
The nurse was around 30 years old and very slim indeed. She came into our lounge and looked amazed because I lay naked on a 'lounger' settee and our niece was sat in just jeans opposite me. The nurse asked about why I thought my tablets were the cause of my present situation? Then asked why was I laid naked in my lounge with a half naked female watching over me. I think many other people may have felt offended by her comment, but I just answered. "The present skin condition that I have has only evolved since Wednesday morning, I started taking these tablets on Tuesday mid-day. I am laid here naked because I prefer to be naked and so do the most people in my family & my friends. My niece is sat wearing jeans & nothing else has just put her jeans on, previously she too was naked. Do you have any problems with naked people or with direct answers to your questions?"
The nurse didn't answer immediately but she came over closer to me and began looking more closely at my chest & my abdominal area. As she glanced towards my niece then back to me she asked "You mention that you have sore groins & a sore anus, do you need me to examine those area's?" I could accept that the nurse was feeling uncomfortable with the situation, so I replied, "I don't need you to examine those area's, but if you feel that you ought to look at them then I will move around as you request to make the examination easier. Also my niece can leave us alone and go to the kitchen to make drinks?"
Eventually there was no need to have a further examination, the nurse requested me to stop taking the tablets & to revisit my doctor as soon as practical, then she said as she was preparing to leave. " I have no issues with nakedness, I have no issues with a family member being present at any patients request, but, it is very unusual to see a patient already naked and laid in a lounge, it is also not usual to see a family member half naked. I will be more aware next time I call in around 14 days, if you or any of your family are naked I will be more prepared for that. Goodbye."
Overall I am very happy with that meeting. How would you have reacted in a similar situation?

Is it true.. he can't bare it.

November 24, 2015 in Uncategorized

Some time ago I told you about my niece & her son, both often called in to visit, both are naturists & there is luckily a marriage pending for her & a lucky man she met at a naturist swim. The relationship has been on 'slow bubble' as she puts it for around 2 years! I knew she had met a great group of people since she moved back to Yorkshire, I knew also that her mature 12 year old son was doing really well at school. What I didn't know until about a week ago was that the man she is engaged to marry is a school teacher & he was her sons teacher in junior school.
The fact that he is a naturist & that he also used the same club grounds & swim sessions as Lisa did present some slight issues. It had to be a carefully guarded secret due to some very 'conservative' school heads of department & a very pious head master. Lisa was originally on the parent/teacher/pupil committee before she met Adrian but came off soon after the relationship looked like progressing. The lad has a great sense of priority and understands that there may well have been un-needed problems if it became known not only that his mum was seeing a teacher but that they were naturists.
The other complication that angers us all even more than the 'naturism thing' is that Adrian is from Ghana and his colour is an issue with some folk even if they cleverly disguise it in other topics or 'reasons' in every kind of talk or school scheme. So much so that Adrian is contemplating moving to another town to a more tolerant school.
Lisa brought Adrian to meet us, he is a really good man & his sense of humour & his general outlook on life will be good for Lisa & her son. They have decided to get married at New Years Eve, they will initially be moving out of town to live in Adrian's parents house about 30 miles away.
She laughed when she reminded me of something I said around 5 years ago not long after her divorce, that was, "Make sure your next choice of man is a naturist." she said "Well I followed your advice, but you didn't say he had to be white!"

Quiet.. barely a moment.

November 24, 2015 in Uncategorized

Very Many Years Ago I Had A Different Partner, (Before I married), & A Different Life!

With 4 children in the house ranging from 2 years old to 10 years old there is always going to be noise! Sometimes it's noise+tempers, quite often it's noise + tempers + screams + bad moods! The art of peacefully managing two boys and two girls who seem to be always competing against each other is a skill I never quite got to grips with. Being a naturist household it wasn't always easy to call on child minders or 'baby-sitters' to get some quality "ME time". I suppose the help always came in the form of my partners parents who could do some child minding, they had the skills & the added advantage of being "Gramps & Nanna" from the childrens point of view. From our point of view they were also naturists and well used to coping with noisy angry (naked) children & quite adept at calming frustrated angry (naked)adults too!
One afternoon we had around 2 hours of quietness, my partner & I could lounge around nude and do whatever we wanted to do, for ourselves! Not such a big deal for those of you without off springs around. We weren't too concerned about sexual playing, (4 children are enough!), we just loved our quiet freedom. We made a light snack type lunch, popped on a video and sat on the floor leaning on the settee and felt really good.
BUT.. in just 20 seconds it all changed! We both stopped in mid-crunch of salad at the sound of voices in our garden! Loud teenage type noises. We had a large patio door (minus blinds) directly in front of us, we were naked on the floor! Then two teenage boys & one girl appeared directly in front of us on our patio! We sat rigid on the spot. (not totally rigid!). The two lads faced the girl and had their backs to us. The girl faced us but argued quite loudly with the lads. The girl seemed to be quite upset, then she spotted us, then she said quite loudly "My parents are behind you, if you don't fuck off my dad will batter you!"
Luckily the lads ran off over our back wall. The girl stood crying by our patio door. Without hesitation we both got up and went to see what the story was, forgetting our nude status. We heard the youngster explain that she had been followed by the lads who had said they would rape her when she went down the ally at the back of the houses. She came into our garden because she actually lived a few streets away. The hope was that the lads would run when she came into 'her own back garden' but they didn't. She had to come over to the patio and attempt to come in to persuade the lads to leave.
By this time she started laughing, she said "I was so pleased the boys decided to leave, I saw you sat there naked, I thought that if you had needed to chase them off it would have been so funny!" I laughed too looking at us two nude oldies comforting a frightened girl. I pointed to my partner and said "Yes it would be seeing her run naked over the garden, she was a county champion sprinter 20 years ago, but then she had clothes on!"

The Key To Bath Time Fun!

November 23, 2015 in Uncategorized

My dad was an old fashioned kind of man. He died in 1959, but I remember him so vividly. He was tall, around 6 feet (just under 2 metres!) and quite stocky. He was a coal miner until a coal related disease eventually killed him. He loved to bath in the old tin bath in front of the open coal fire in the kitchen. My sister & I were allowed to get a bath first, then my mother, then dad. We would all sit around getting dried on towels & from the heat of the fire. Dad was also a joker! As he stepped into the bath he would do a little dance, mainly to make his penis bounce around! as very young children we thought it was hilarious. No doubt social workers or 'do~gooders' today would have other opinions on that scene!
On one bathtime day, just as described above, we all sat around naked laughing at dad's jig & willy-dance, then without warning he stepped onto a submerged bar of soap! With a yell like Tarzan and arms flailing around like a malfunctioning windmill, he slipped and fell down onto his back! the impact of his bulk on the soapy contents of the tub sent a large eruption of water ceiling bound! In almost slow motion we watched the water cascade towards us & indeed all over the kitchen!!
We all got soaked! The water swamped us and we must surely have looked like drowned rats! My poor old dad! he lay yelling in pain flat on his back, he had hit his back just around his shoulder blades on the back of the tub. A large semi-circular red wield mark was already forming across his back.
We must have made some remedy to that hilarious yet painful event, though I don't recall now what it was? What I do recall is our widowed neighbour Mrs Noreen Gledhill, who's ambition it was to see my dad naked, was trying to see in through a heavily curtained window, she shouted "Are you all ok, is it safe for me to come in?" her hopes were in vain, just before his fall my dad made certain the door was locked by turning the big iron key twice.

Pass The Gel !

November 22, 2015 in Uncategorized

When we were at a bleak, windswept, rainswept caravan with our cousin, way back in 1966 it seemed like an adventure and so very different. For many reasons this holiday was not like any that I imagine my school pals would be having. There was mam,my auntie, my sister, my two female cousins & myself. Yes I was the only male! yet even at 15 years old this did truly feel like a memory in the making. It was the end of August and we were about 20 miles south of Scarbrough on the Yorkshire coast of England. Around us there were around 50 other similar metal & plastic 'mobile homes' which each slept around 6 people in what could only be described as 'very basic comfort'. There was only washing facilities in the communal blocks, likewise the toilets. The nearest to us contained 8 showers, 4 urinals & 4 toilets. (washbasins were there but in a cracked & unusable state) I reckon that at some point the partitions between shower cubicles had been effective, but that could have been several years previous!
No, this was not a naturist holiday resort, so it was usual to see two people at each shower point at any time, one would be wrapped in at least 2 towels, the other would be on 'Guard Duty' to stop unwanted prying eyes seeing the towel bearer getting showered! This is where being the only male in a group of 5 females became very interesting. When I stood guard for my sisters shower I handed her soap, shower gel, shampoo, towels etc all at the bemusement of the female attendant (Who took 2 shillings per shower person)When I later returned with my 17 year old cousin on her shower adventure I once more undertook the soap, gel & shampoo duties, once more gaining bemused looks from "Mrs 2 shillings" as she became! The smile on her face seemed to morph between a smile & an awkward sneer?
Half an hour later I would arrive with my younger cousin on her shower trip, once more I was assigned the duty of guard in charge of soap, gel & shampoo. Though I tried not to look too interested in all these naked women I was attending, I seemed to be causing the beginnings of a fever on the brow of "Mrs 2 Shillings".
She seemed relieved when I declared I had no more young female relatives to guard or look at naked ablutions of them. The almost stunned look on her face though when I arrived with my mother was classic & almost hysterical, my mother cast off her towel as she paid her 2 Shillings and stepped naked into the dilapidated cubicle. In turn I supplied the requisite toiletries & "Mrs 2 Shillings" looked almost at boiling point and searching for words in her spittal laden mouth & throat. When I returned later with my auntie there was almost a look of purple rage on the "2 Shilling" face! She put her hand palm up and said "NO!" spluttering she rasped "You must not watch the showering women anymore!" My aunty was silent & motionless, I stepped calmly forward, I put the 2 Shillings on the dish by the cubicles entrance, the glare and staunch rigidness of "Mrs 2Shillings" was reminiscent of some stalag commandant. Much to her shock it was I that stripped naked! I handed my towel to aunty and said, "Just gel & shampoo please when I am wet!"
Is it possible to see a fuse blow in a matronly woman?

Cancer is. . . . . LOVE!

November 22, 2015 in Uncategorized

Cancer. The one word that strikes fear & dread into most peoples hearts. To suffer any terminal illness is both tragic & beautiful! Though that may sound like a very odd thing, I know from personal family experiences over a few decades, that the heartache & tears of coping with a loved ones shortened lifetime is sweetened by the enhanced & beautiful love emotions that come into sharper focus. The laughter that can be released is perhaps more purposeful, the little 'accidents' that occur during bed-bathing are hilarious. The moments of harsh truths are solid & hurtful, but they are shared. I have nursed a sister in her final weeks, just 22 years after my dad suffered a similar end of life. My lovely nephew Keith most recently left us in October. The hurt is strong and cuts deep into all other feelings, the little moments that bring that unexpected tear to the eye. There are phrases & odd words that can shout louder into every fibre of your being, but, the love & the joy that we know with our treasured souls is truly magnificent. In an odd way I feel sad for anyone who hasn't felt that warmth, who hasn't known that love & truth. The minutes of being truly together with such raw feelings are beyond magical.
Cancer is a killer. Cancer is a really terrible thing. Cancer has shown me love, in those times so significantly shared with a piece of yourself, shared with fibre & blood unique, it is a sensation that can truly be defined in it's most purposeful & sincere way, sharing on such a personal level lasts more than any lifetime, that kind of LOVE lasts forever!
Be strong, be sure, smile & cry, share LOVE.

Knocked Off My Feet.

November 20, 2015 in Uncategorized

When I was around 15 years old, (nearly 50 years ago!) we travelled to visit my aunties house for a holiday. My mother was the twin of my auntie. My sister was 13 and we had two female cousins we were going to see one who was 17 and another was also 15. Our father passed away when I was just past my 8th birthday and these journeys from one part of Yorkshire, in the coal mining area, to another Yorkshire region which was in the fish trawler industry. Not exactly varied or exotic holidays but we were in fact travelling back to the town that my mothers family all lived in, for many generations. My mother was very careful to see that we got good clean clothes for this bi-annual trip, not new clothes, this was still in a tough period for families with no direct 'bread-winner' in them. These vacations were a way of getting my sister and I away from coal dust & grime layered streets to a coastal place that had clean air (Though laden with the smell of fish!). Our cousins enjoyed our visits, we lived a much more open life having been born to a naturist dad & a mother who had embraced the whole concept of social nudity. Though I have to confess we didn't even know the word 'Naturist' existed! Our parents just preferred to be clothes free when ever it was practical, we only knew that way of life. So our arrival at aunties house unleashed their restrictions & set a mode of comparative freedom into the scene whilst we were staying. Of course Uncle had (way back in our past!) objected to so much bare skin on show, but after a few times of seeing my mother naked and knowing that a young female was developing into womanhood naked before his eyes, he was relenting with less & less effort.
For a few hours after arrival we would remain clothed, often setting out the sleeping arrangements and the places where two suitcases could live for around 12 days. My older cousin came into the bedroom where we had been storing our few belongings, I suppose her next actions & words marked the first real time that my teenage brain had truly noticed the female looked different to the male. She said in almost whispered words, "Since you came last year my breasts have got much bigger & I have much more pubic hair!" As I absorbed her words I was silently watching her undress, in a few deft moves she stood before us wearing only her big baggy yellow knickers. Yes her boobs were bigger, proud & pert & so much nicer than my young sisters 'lumps'! I watched in stunned awe, she pulled down the front of her knickers to reveal a thick auburn patch of hair that amassed a the base of a line of hair that trailed downwards from her navel.
The only words I found myself mumbling were.. "You've got real tits!". My sister thumped me so hard I fell off the bed! I sat on the floor laughing, my sister laughed, my cousin laughed hysterically, my auntie was coming upstairs yelling "What The Devil Are You Lot Up To?".
In the next few days we were indeed 'Up To' many things, more of which I may reveal later, depending on who wants to have more 'revealed'?

Too soon the laughter ends… !

November 13, 2015 in Uncategorized

I stood by our door (naked) talking to an elderly female neighbour mostly about the favourite British topic "Weather", not really noticing the passage of time or indeed the very gradual but meaningful change to.. the weather! My wife brought our neighbour a stool to sit on, I was left standing! The man who lives a few doors away yelled a loud 'Hello' as he hurried past pointing at the upcoming dark clouds. The happy banter between myself and the comfy-postured rotund woman seemed unabated, the swift chilled breeze had little effect on our episode, apart from the silly comment "You've got 'goose-bumps' on your thighs" which raised merry chuckles.
Our niece arrived with her son and both brushed past in such a hurry I almost caught a bigger draft from them! Within 5 minutes young Lisa came to me and said, "Come on in you old fool, the rains are about to start & you'll get a bad chill!" before I could respond our chubby neighbour moved in past me and said "Oh thanks, he's never asked me I in and I've been here an hour!". My niece laughed hysterically, then she pulled on my arm and said again "Come on in!"
The resulting laughter in our lounge was truly a tonic, my wife said she would have no comfort for me if I caught a cold, my niece brought a hot drink and bubbly Betty reached for it just as I made a grab for it! I realised that I had been conned by the cunning old dear, so in some attempt to regain some 'moral ground' I told her, "If you're staying Betty get naked!". My niece had already began to take off her jeans & jumper, Betty glanced up, laughed and headed to the door saying, "I only put my baggy grey bloomers on and they've got holes in!" we laughed with great gusto as the lovely senior citizen friend departed towards her own home, her parting words as she saw Lisa remove her bra, "Oh my word, my boobs almost bounce off my knees, your pert cupcake beauties shame me, I'll get nude another time when you're not here! bye for now!"
The fun of good friends at anytime is a true tonic, make the most of the laughter my friends, too soon it ends!

Is There A Problem.. At All?

November 12, 2015 in Uncategorized

It may be a topic often written about in blogs but I make no excuse for adding this one of mine. Being naked when clothed people are around may well cause problems. The type and degree of problems of course depends on several integral factors. One factor is exactly who is naked. Another is probably who exactly is clothed. The next factor could be the location & maybe the weather if the situation occurs outdoors. The final and possibly the most important factor "Is there a problem at all?"

In our own home my wife and I have no problem with nakedness, neither ours nor anyone else's. When someone is coming into our home who is not aware of our situation we do try to advise them before they arrive. We don't advise them to tell us if they are averse to social nudity, we do advise them that they have an option. They can go ahead with their scheduled visit & take whatever is the situation when they arrive, the option is to not arrive at all. Of course then might come another discussion about anything in the way of an alternative can be arranged for the visit.
When we go to another home or business place we make every effort to respect and pay due reverence to the prevailing situation there. We do not usually receive any advance indication of any unusual situation, mainly because 80% of meetings in other places are not in any unusual situation.
When we (or just I) are naked and a person is clothed in our own home it isn't a problem at all. (for us!). When there are several naked people in our home (mainly family members) there isn't usually a problem when a clothed person arrives because we will have pre-advised them of the situation. We do however notice two different sets of 'feelings' that occur with the clothed persons in these scenario's. If we have just ourselves (or myself) naked and there are one or more clothed persons in the situation there is no awkward feelings for anyone. When there are several naked people & one clothed person in the situation, it is the one clothed person who begins (usually) to feel awkward and embarrassed, even with the standard preliminary advice being given.
So, just in this 'home' scenario we have deduced that one clothed person with a few naked people feels wrongly placed. However one naked person with a few clothed people does not feel wrongly placed?
We have yet to have sufficient comparable data to decide what would be the outcome in other locations given the same scenario's? Maybe you have words of your own on this one?

New Report
